
  • Александр Владимирович Клименок Russian state pedagogical university of A.I. Herzen


Key words: Jean Cocteau, French drama, intertextuality, modernism, myth.

This article deals with the problem of personal mythology of Jean Cocteau, the basic elements (mythologies) which in general have developed in the 1920s. Analysis of mythology (such as “angel (Ertebiz)”, “inner darkness of the Poet”, “mirror”, “dream”, “death”) is carried out using the methods of comparative and intertextual nature. Texts by Jean Cocteau reveal intertextual dialogue between different mythologies: on the one hand, Antique (Orpheus, Oedipus) and Christian (Christ), on the other hand - art mythology. At the same time it acts as a personal mythology metatext in relation to all other elements of intertextual and becomes the subject of the image. Understanding the mythologism of Cocteau gives a clue to his concept of “surreal realism” connecting “real” and “fantastic.” Reality drama by Cocteau becomes “artificial”, “scenery”, against which the figure of the internal world of the author play the act.

Author Biography

Александр Владимирович Клименок, Russian state pedagogical university of A.I. Herzen

Klimenok Alexander Vladimirovich - post-graduate student. Russian state pedagogical university of A.I. Herzen, faculty of philology, department of foreign literature. Tel.: +7-952-247-82-84. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Клименок, А. В. (2014). AUTOMYTHOLOGIZATION DEVICES IN THE CREATIVE LIFE OF JEAN COCTEAU. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 32–39. Retrieved from

