
  • Анна Владимировна Николаева Southern Federal University


Key words: synonymy, unreal comparison, semes of main clause, semes of subordinate clause.

Synonym nature of constructions of unreal comparison are expressed in the following aspects: 1) in the synonymy of various designs from the arsenal of means comparison-clauses, comparative constructions introduced by as if; as though; 2) in the synonymy of conjunction devices (as if; as though) in complex sentences or comparative constructions; 3) in the synonymy of complete and incomplete variants of the complex sentence of unreal comparison. Using the method of seme analysis proposed by Y.N. Vlasova, we examined the semantic structure of a complex sentence with a detailed comparison of the unreal subordinate clause with conjunctions as though, and also analyzed the semantic structure of complicated sentences containing constructs with non-finite forms of the verb. Synonyms of unreal comparison in the Russian language appear in the arsenal of synonyms designs of multilevel comparison means (subordinate clauses, comparative conjunctions of case, etc.); in the synonymy of conjunction means (or limit) in complex sentences or comparative constructions; in the synonymy of complete and incomplete variants of the complex sentence of unreal comparison. Semantic structure of all of the types of surbodinates conclude total unreality to this (which is represented by conjunctions as if as though in English, and и как будто, будто, словно, точно in Russian), clearly expressed in the context of each sentence. However, it is involved in converting some comparative constructions, absent in the English language (e.g., prepositional case forms with prepositions: вроде, наподобие, подобно, похоже, etc.).

Author Biography

Анна Владимировна Николаева, Southern Federal University

Nikolaeva Anna Vladimirovna - candidate of philology, associate professor. Theory and practice of English dpt. Institute of Philology, Journalism and Cross-cultural Communication Southern Federal University. Tel.: 8-929-816-83-51. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Николаева, А. В. (2014). SYNONYM NATURE OF CONSTRUCTIONS OF UNREAL COMPARISON IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 114–121. Retrieved from




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