
  • Михаил Николаевич Косвинцев Perm state national research university


The article analyzes the conceptual features of the poems of Joseph Brodsky “Honey, I went out today from home late at night.” This work is crucial when considering the love poetry of the author, and is of interest in the analysis of correlation of biographical facts and the poet. Despite the fact that Brodsky denied the correlation between creativity and biographical events, the main body of the poet’s works wears panreflexive character. In this case, of particular interest is a series of poems with the monogram M.B. The cycle of poems dedicated to Marina Basmanova soaked with sentimental feelings and on the pages of works there is an unfold vicissitudes of complex relations between the neighboring family happiness and split. Poems mainly related to the genre of elegy and tell about the relationship with M.B., are based on the distance traversed life. It is for this reason, after much deliberation and years of separation, Joseph Brodsky’s poem “Honey, I went out today from home late at night.” draws a line not only in the epistolary relationship with M.B., but is a long way, which on paper was presented no less dramatic than in life.

Key words: Joseph Brodsky, Marina Basmanova, pure time, the song of the pendulum.

Author Biography

Михаил Николаевич Косвинцев, Perm state national research university

Kosvintsev Mikhail Nikolaevich - post-graduate student of Russian literature dpt. Perm state national research university. E-mail: mnk-47@ mail.ru. Phone: 8-902-808-78-04.


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How to Cite

Косвинцев, М. Н. (2014). EPISTLE TO THE PAST. REFLEXIVE FEATURES OF CREATIVITY BY I.A. BRODSKY. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 51–56. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/749

