
  • Вера Владимировна Котелевская Southern federal university


The article considers the intertextual relations of Thomas Bernhard’s novel “Proofread» («Korrektur», 1975) and essayistic cycle of Paul Valerie “Mr. Test» («Monsieur Teste», 1896-1946). Quoting the name of the character of the famous French writer of essays, poetry anticipated the principles of modernism and postmodernism, Bernhard leads to complicated interpretation of the text. The article reveals the implicit connection of all creativity of Bernhard with the poetics and poetology of Valerie. This view elected in the domestic literature on Bernhard first. Particular attention is paid to the structure of the dissociated subject theme of duality, philosophy, writing, poetics of space. Familiarity with the full version of Bernhard “cycle test” Paul Valery argued pointing out the autobiographical text - “Three Days” by Bernhard (Drei Tage), where the Austrian writer calls the book of Valerie as the most important in his library, he returns to it again and again. General principles of poetics by Bernhard and Valerie - linguistic skepticism, literary composition and fragmentation pattern of the world, intellectualism, philosophy, self-reflexive writing. The protagonist of the novel “Proof” Roythamer and character of Paul Valery “Mr. Test” created by modernist scenario “man without qualities”. This character-test, by which the authors examine the most controversial topics for them: the boundaries of language, plausibility, literary fame, psychology, finalism, self-identity of the character.

Key words: Thomas Bernhard, Paul Valerie, intertextuality, linguistic skepticism, modernism, novel about the artist.


Author Biography

Вера Владимировна Котелевская, Southern federal university

Kotelevskaya Vera Vladimirovna - candidate of linguistics, professor assistant of the theory and history of world literature dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern federal university. E-mail: luga17@rambler.ru. Phone: 8-918-566-1134


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How to Cite

Котелевская, В. В. (2014). “MR. TEST” BY PAUL VALERIE IN THE POETICS OF THOMAS BERNHARD: ONE DEEP QUOTES. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 57–67. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/750

