
  • Ирина Николаевна Ломакина Crimean federal university of V.I. Vernadsky


The paper studies the multi-faceted and multi-functional use of the trickster myths in the novels of American writer Don DeLillo- postmodernist. For an easier analysis, the author’s works were divided into four groups, united by typological features depicted in these versions of the trickster. The first group includes the novels “Mao II», «Americana”, “Great Jones Street”, “White Noise,” “Extreme Zone” and “Star Ratner,” where the trickster acts assistant protagonist. The image of the trickster as the embodiment of exclusively negative features observed in the “wrong side of the world”, “Omega Point” and “Cosmopolis”. A distinctive feature of Don DeLillo’s prose speaks of the inclusion into the fabric of the narrative actually existed celebrities, and hypertrophied endowed fictional character. This technique allows the author to give his works a fair amount of realism and, at the same time leaves space for fiction. So, in the novel “The Running dog” and “Wrong Side of the World” is a trickster travesty of real historical people. “Lycanthropy” trickster culminates in the “fall” and “Libra”, where he is identified with the main character.

Key words: trickster, myth, postmodernism, travesty.

Author Biography

Ирина Николаевна Ломакина, Crimean federal university of V.I. Vernadsky

Lomakina Irina Nikolaevna - post-graduate student of English philology dpt. Crimean federal university of V.I. Vernadsky. E-mail: irina. Phone: +7 (978) 859-36-90


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How to Cite

Ломакина, И. Н. (2014). MYTHOLOGEME OF TRICKSTER IN DON DELILLO’S PROSE. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 68–74. Retrieved from

