
  • Екатерина Владимировна Гринкевич Southern federal university


Сlichés are defined as stable combinations of words characterizing stereotypical expressiveness. Non-stereotypical application of cliches determines the dynamics of their expressiveness, which can be positively evaluated, or change the expressive properties that are evaluated negatively – with unmotivated or stereotyped cliches used in the text. The degree of expressivity of usual and occasional clichés is an inversely proportional stereotyped expression. Analysis of the application of them in the text presupposes a distinction structures non-actualized (stereotyped decrease) and the updated (non-stereotypical) expressivity. Non-stereotypical expressivity associated with the aesthetic function strengthens the expressiveness of structures characteristic of the original use of units in the art of speech.
Original, unusual, copyright application of stable combinations of words and meaning stereotypical forms are updated by their expressive qualities.
Key words: speech cliches, expressiveness, actualization, dynamics, stereotype, aesthetic function.

Author Biography

Екатерина Владимировна Гринкевич, Southern federal university

Grinkevich Ekaterina Vladimirovna - candidate of linguistics, professor assistant of language theory and Russian language dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern federal university. E-mail: e.grinkevich@yandex.ru. Phone: 8-903-404-45-49


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How to Cite

Гринкевич, Е. В. (2014). TYPES OF CLICHÉS EXPRESSIVENESS. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 93–97. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/754

