
  • Оксана Витальевна Ширяева Adygea state university


The article discusses the information media discourse on the material of the modern Russian business media. In the categories of communicative analysis the news text is characterized by the parameters “modality of fact” and refers to a type of “fact statement”. Discourse formation signs of fact statements (objectivity, accuracy, reliability) are represented in the lexical- semantic units, specifying the place, time, attributes, actions, and the subject of the action. The presentation of information using cardinal numbers is typical. Information discourse updates the semantics of “action” that is reflected in the abundance of verbal constructions in headlines complexes and initial news sentences. Framework components play the role of a strong communicative position, therefore contain elements of metaphor, pun, ie means of imaginary, often - provocative - exposure. As an argument, aimed at “authenticity” of quotations it is used the citation discourse (direct speech headlines). Besides the typical signs of the information media discourse in the business media discourse it is realized the conceptsphere “affairs”, involving in its core semantically related units. Thus it is formed a mental vocabulary that describes the business world picture.

Key words: media discourse, media discourse information, news, business discourse, business picture of the world, business press.

Author Biography

Оксана Витальевна Ширяева, Adygea state university

Shiryaeva Oksana Vitalievna - candidate of linguistics, working for Ph.D. of common linguistics dpt., Adygea state university. E-mail: oksana. shirayeva@gmail.com. Phone: 8 (918) 599-94-98.


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How to Cite

Ширяева, О. В. (2014). SPECIFICITY OF INFORMATION MEDIA-DISCOURSE (ON THE MATERIAL OF BUSINESS MEDIA). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 197–203. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/765

