
  • Петр Петрович Чернецкий Southern federal university


This article focuses on journalism of Karl Marx in the «Neue Rheinische Zeitung» newspaper since establishment till its closure (1848-1849). The paper discusses the history of «Neue Rheinische Zeitung», preconditions that led to the formation of the newspaper, describes the historical background of the time (French Revolution of 1848, persecution of immigrants King Leopold of Belgium, the revolution in Germany, 1848-1849) through the biography of Karl Marx. In addition, the paper analyzes the reasons why the newspaper “Neue Rheinische Zeitun” was closed (mainly - the failure of the revolution in Germany, 1848-1849). Through the work it is carried out on the idea that Karl Marx, as a talented journalist and leader, managed to turn the «Neue Rheinische Zeitung» in one of the most famous newspapers of his time, the output of a large circulation and influence on the minds of contemporaries. The article also contains an analysis of selected materials from the «Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Through this analysis the article reveals progressive journalistic methods of Marx and its unique architectural style. In addition it is revealed the ideas of Karl Marx regarding printing. One of the main ideas - freedom of speech and protection of the weak and oppressed, oppressed by the government mainly - that contradicts the traditional ideas of Marx as a founder of communist theory of printing.

Key words: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Neue Rheinische Zeitung, methods of journalism, journalistic creativity, history of printing.

Author Biography

Петр Петрович Чернецкий, Southern federal university

Chernetsky Peter Petrovich - post-graduate student of Southern federal university. E-Mail: web@krestianin.ru. Phone: 8-988-515-88-32


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How to Cite

Чернецкий, П. П. (2014). KARL MARX - EDITOR OF «NEUE RHEINISCHE ZEITUNG». Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 212–220. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/767

