Structural-semantic characteristic of phraseologisms in modern German language


  • Наталья Викторовна Абрамова Saratov state law academy, Pugachev city, Saratov region


The article is devoted to the structural and semantic characteristics of phraseology of the modern German language. It reveals the essence of the concept of “idioms”, discusses various classification of phraseological units in German. Many linguists offer a variety of phraseological units classification. It is studied in detailed the classification by B. Fleischer, where the following types of phraseological units are distinguished: nominative collocations, communication idioms, phrasal templates. V.V. Vinogradov classified phraseological units according to their degree of semantic fusion. He identified three major types of phraseological units: phraseological seam, phraseological unity and phraseological (non-free) combination. M.D. Stepanova and I.I. Chernyshev worked out structural and semantic classification of phraseological units, consisting of three groups: phraseological units, phraseological combinations, phraseological expressions. A special group of phraseological combinations is of E. Agricola - stable phrases. H. Burger classifies idioms according to their function in the communication process: reference idioms, structural phraseological units, communication idioms. Each classification is provided with vivid examples that characterize the structure and semantics of phraseological units of modern German language.

Keywords: phraseologism, classifcation, structural-semantic characteristics, German, semantics.

Abramova Natalya Viktorovna - candidate of pedagogy, professor assistant of German and French languages dpt. Saratov state law academy. Тел.: 8-927-623-72-06; e-mail:

Author Biography

Наталья Викторовна Абрамова, Saratov state law academy, Pugachev city, Saratov region

Abramova N.V. (Saratov state law academy, Pugachev city, Saratov region, Russian Federation)


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How to Cite

Абрамова, Н. В. (2015). Structural-semantic characteristic of phraseologisms in modern German language. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 88–101. Retrieved from

