Features of the onymic conceptualization and categorization and place of onyms in mental lexicon


  • Татьяна Юрьевна Ларина Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don


Today, a new branch of onomastics is being formed - cognitive research of the name. In this area, it has been changed not only the aspect, but also the subject of study. If onomastics comprehends names, cognitive onomastics studies how this knowledge is implemented, what the mechanisms of name cognition are. As cognition is carried out by conscience with brain language, cognitive onomastics deals primarily with the mental lexicon. Figuring out ways of being and functioning in onim mental lexicon is a major problem in cognitive onomastics. From this problem arise others: forms of conceptualization of names; properties of onymic concepts; ways of organizing concepts in onymic frames and domains on the basis of unified knowledge structures and their relationship to extralinguistic reality; distinction of onymic frames, etc. It has been changed methods of cognitive research of onyms. It can be concluded that the names in the mental lexicon play much more important role than in language and speech. They simply do not exist in mental lexicon in large quantities (usually there are more common names). Becoming, like all units of the mental lexicon, concepts in active or passive form, they are the organizers of the mental lexicon, coordinators of linguistic world, titles of folded memory structures and deployment tools and explication of these structures in speech and thinking activity.

Keywords: categorization and conceptualization, onym, mental lexicon, frame, domain, onymic concept, onymic nomination.

Larina Tatyana Yurievna - lecturer of the English language for faculties of the humanities dpt. Institute of linguistics, journalism and cross-cultural communication of Southern Federal University; post-graduate student of Russian language and theory of language dpt. Institute of linguistics, journalism and cross-cultural communication of Southern Federal University. Tel.: 8-928-155-31-37; е-mail: tatianalarina2008@yandex.ru

Author Biography

Татьяна Юрьевна Ларина, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

Larina T.Yu. (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on- Don, Russian Federation)


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How to Cite

Ларина, Т. Ю. (2015). Features of the onymic conceptualization and categorization and place of onyms in mental lexicon. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 119–128. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/784

