Questions of professional-oriented teaching of foreign language for students of economic specialty


  • Виктория Владимировна Сибул Российский университет дружбы народов
  • Арюна Гомбоевна Иванова Российский университет дружбы народов


The article discusses the problem of the content of professional-oriented teaching of a foreign language to students of non-linguistic specialties, which is particularly relevant from the viewpoint of the increasing role of foreign language communication in the professional activity of modern professionals.

The purpose of foreign language teaching in non-linguistics universities is to achieve a level that is sufficient for practical use of a foreign language in future career. Thus, if foreign language at linguistic university is a special base, at non-linguistic universities it is an application to general professional knowledge base and skills, so at non-linguistic universities the statement of ultimate goal requires specification.

Thus, it is sufficient to consider the contents of foreign language teaching at non-linguistic faculties as the totality of what students should learn in the education process, the quality and level of foreign language should correlate with their needs and goals, as well as the goals and objectives of this level of training. Selection of the content is intended to promote the broad development of the student’s personality, its preparation for future careers.

Keywords: success, multidimensionality, professional activity, communication.

Sibul Victoria Vladimirovna - candidate of linguistics, senior lecturer of foreign language dpt. of economic faculty, Russian University of People’s Friendship, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:

Ivanova Aryuna Gomboevna - candidate of linguistics, professor assistant of foreign language dpt. of economic faculty, Russian University of People’s Friendship, Moscow, Russian Federation. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Сибул, В. В., & Иванова, А. Г. (2015). Questions of professional-oriented teaching of foreign language for students of economic specialty. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 175–180. Retrieved from

