Topos of the cosmic space in science fiction


  • Олег Олегович Путило Volgograd state social-pedagogical university


Poutilo Oleg Olegovich

The article examines the forms of cosmic space in science fiction, its characteristics and main trends of evolution. Cosmic space is seen as a dichotomy of “our” and “their”, though their interaction is complicated and full interiorization is impossible.

The specificity of the described cosmic space is the absence of the traditional system of coordinates associated with the sides of the world. Authors have to resort to the use of “map-route”, describing the journey sequentially, from the point of view of a moving person.

In this regard, in recent years there has been a tendency to reduce the role of images of cosmic space in science fiction novels. Their appearance in the works becomes a kind of stamp, a concession to the classical traditions of the genre. Once popular genres of strict science fiction or space opera inferior position to the other, recreating a far more convincing picture of the probable future of humanity - cyberpunk dystopia and post-apocalyptic fiction.

Key words: space, cosmos, cosmos space, science fiction, I.Efremov, S. Lukyanenko, A.N. Tolstoy.

Author Biography

Олег Олегович Путило, Volgograd state social-pedagogical university

Volgograd state social-pedagogical university, faculty of philology, literature dpt., candidate of philology, professor assistant. Tel.: 8-917-721-51-80, e-mail:


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How to Cite

Путило, О. О. (2015). Topos of the cosmic space in science fiction. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 12–18. Retrieved from




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