Fear as an object of aesthetic reflection in parodies of the gothic novel


  • Наталья Григорьевна Мойсик Southern federal university, Rostov-on-Don


The article explores superstitious fear artistically represented in the Gothic novels by Ann Radcliffe (The Romance of the Forest, 1791; The Mysteries of Udolfo, 1794; The Italian, 1797) and in late 18th -19th century parodies of the Gothic novel (Northanger Abbey, 1818, by J. Austen; Nightmare Abbey, 1818, by T.L. Peacock; Heroine, 1813, by E.S. Barrett, and some others). It is found out that the representations of superstitious fear bear satirical character already in the novels by Radcliffe which are known to be the classic of the Gothic genre, the satire becoming yet more explicit in the parodies of the Gothic novel. Several types of the “Gothic” fear descriptions are distinguished. It is argued that the scenes of superstitious fear in the abovementioned novels and parodies are aimed against irrational Gothic mode of perception and meant to praise the rational way of thinking, characteristic of the Enlightment.

Keywords: Gothic novel, parody, satire, superstitious fear, supernatural, fantastic fiction, psychologism, pre-Romanticism, Enlightenment.

Moysik Natalya Grigorievna - post-graduate student. World literature theory and history dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication, Southern federal university. Phone: +7-950-841-30-01; e-mail: Nataliamojsik@inbox.ru


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How to Cite

Мойсик, Н. Г. (2015). Fear as an object of aesthetic reflection in parodies of the gothic novel. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 17–25. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/802

