Principles of harmony communication in axiosphere of A.P. Chekhov’s creative work


  • Марианна Борисовна Самойлова Rostov state medical university, Rostov-on-Don
  • Нина Александровна Раннева Rostov state medical university, Rostov-on-Don


This paper draws attention to the fact that in the works by A.P. Chekhov, contrary to conventional views, it is presented not only “communication problems”, but also defined the principles of harmonious communication. The principle is considered here as noted by the author of the relationship reflected the phenomena of reality, and not as a binding principle. The philosophical outlook of the writer, formed under the influence of traditional cultural values, is reflected in images and existential maxims that point the way to understanding and overcoming the fragmentation of people. The main factor harmonizing communication, according to A.P. Chekhov is a recognition of the special value of the person as a spiritual incarnation of the interlocutor. The creative interpretation of being a writer is the harmony of eternal values - love, mercy and compassion, which creates a desire to hear and understand each other. This harmonious communication process of spiritual substance, carrier of the highest human values: faith, hope, love, charity - is designed to be an effective word. An important feature of Chekhov’s work and personality of the writer are those communicative values as truth, honesty, non-judgment, that the rights of the moral law does not allow the emergence of problems in communication.

Keywords: traditional values, communicative value, value of the individual, truth, sincerity, compassion, charity, non-judgment, word value, love.

Samoilova Marianna Borisovna - candidate of philology, professor assistant of Russian language dpt. No2 faculty of foreign students education preparation, Rostov state medical university. Phone: 8-905-431-38-88; E-mail:

Ranneva Nina Alexandrovna - candidate of pedagogy, professor assistant, head of Russian language dpt. No2 faculty of foreign students education preparation, Rostov state medical university. Phone: 8-918-52787-67; E-mail:


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How to Cite

Самойлова, М. Б., & Раннева, Н. А. (2015). Principles of harmony communication in axiosphere of A.P. Chekhov’s creative work. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 26–30. Retrieved from

