Types of abbreviations in terms of shipbuilding in Germanic and Slavic languages
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of abbreviation term system of shipbuilding in German (English and German) and Slavic (Ukrainian and Russian) languages. Based on the theoretical and practical studies carried out by linguists in the field of word formation, we identified the main types of abbreviations. For each language it is presented quantitative evidence of the productivity of the derivation of the model. The analysis revealed that abbreviation is unproductive word formation model in all compared term system. Among three types chosen as a basis for classification of abbreviation (component, complex, initial), all three types are represented only in terms of shipbuilding in German languages, although their productivity is low. German and Slavic languages reveal some similar features, which are reflected in the quantitative predominance of complex abbreviations with reduced initial part of the original (generating) words / phrases. The results of the study suggest that, despite the fact that this structural model is generally considered quite productive in terms of shipbuilding, it is little realized and does not reveal the variety of structural types.
Keywords: term, terminological system, abbreviation, initial abbreviation, composite abbreviation, compound abbreviation, productivity.
Bespamyatnaya Liliya Vladimirovna - senior lecturer of translation theory and practice dpt. Sevastopol state university. Е-mail: lilya_pavlova23@ mail.ruReferences
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