Intention as an object of interdisciplinary study
This article discusses the intent, which is a fundamental element in the process of speech production and, in general, defines the purpose of the statements, as well as response. In most scientific disciplines intention has been investigated in the framework of such concepts as “intention.” It motivates dialogue, it gives meaning and value. The article highlights the main approaches to the concept of “intention”: philosophical, social, psychological. Within the framework of these approaches it is used the features of the functioning of intentions with the main specific characteristics of this concept, namely: 1) intention, 2) determination, 3) intentionality, 4) goal setting, 5) modality, 6) communicative failure, 7) manipulation, 8) rational choice. In philosophy, the term “intention” is seen as an intention, purpose, direction. In psychology, the term becomes a feature of the subjectivity of intentional behavior. It is also noted that the intention of understanding the psychological approach refers us to the concept of “intention”, the article highlighted two types of modality and the disclosure of their identity. In the field of social sciences study the term is inextricably linked with the concept as a rational choice, which in turn contributes to the selection of the strategies and tactics of behavior of the speaker in the communication process. The paper also is identified and analyzed as part of the concept in the speech interaction and types of speech influence.
Keywords: intention, modality, subjective, interpersonal interaction, communication failure, manipulation, rational choice, the voice of strategy and tactics.
Ekizyan Anait Khachaturovna - post-graduate student of theory and practice of the English language dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication, Southern federal university. Phone: +7 952588-81-89; е-mail:
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