Narrative “Red Chandelier” by Tengiz Adygov: problems of psychologism


  • Аминат Борисовна Хахова Kabardino-Balkaria state university, Nalchik


Khakhova Aminat Borisovna

The article studies the characteristics of psychological analysis in prose by Tengiz Adygov (based on the narrative «Red Chandelier»). Narrative by T.Adygov «Red Chandelier» - one of the most notable works of Kabardinian literature in 1960-1990s. It was a kind of focus of what prosaic were concerned within the period of its creation, embodying the main development trends in the national story of Kabardian literature in the second half of the twentieth century. The story has a complicated plot and compositional structure, deepening the psychological analysis, reference to the most difficult questions of contemporary reality, preferential attention to the man, moral appearance, state of mind, spiritual world.

Studying ancient pages of history demands social vigilance, multiplied by the emotional responsiveness of the soul and the heart, as well as the ability to historically true and deep generalizations and conclusions of the writer. These essential qualities are typical of T.Adygov’s prose, full of high spirituality, moral purity, and surprising consonance of our time.

T.Adygov’s narration takes a worthy place in the modern Kabardian literature that is characterized by national and artistic originality, breadth of the historical range, ethnic and folk motifs; it witnesses great prospects and new trends in the development of national literature as a whole.

Key words: Teniz Adygov, narration, psychologism.

Author Biography

Аминат Борисовна Хахова, Kabardino-Balkaria state university, Nalchik

post-graduate student of Russian and foreign literature


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How to Cite

Хахова, А. Б. (2015). Narrative “Red Chandelier” by Tengiz Adygov: problems of psychologism. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 27–34. Retrieved from

