Linguapragmatic analysis of question-answer communicative block in business interview


  • Елена Николаевна Малюга Russian university of people’s friendship, Moscow
  • Светлана Николаевна Орлова Russian university of people’s friendship, Moscow


Malyuga Elena Nikolaevna, Orlova Svetlana Nikolaevna

The article is devoted to the study of lexical-pragmatic aspects of business interviews and question-answer communication blocks as the whole system of interdependent propositions which may have a great theoretical and practical potential and require special consideration peculiarities of this phenomenon. The article has also realized the relevant idea to define QACB and has submitted it to the structure of the business in the form of an interview scheme.

Key words: business discourse, business interview, communicative unit, question-answer communicative unit (QACB).

Author Biographies

Елена Николаевна Малюга, Russian university of people’s friendship, Moscow

Ph.D. of philology, professor. Head of the foreign languages dpt., faculty of economics of Russian university of people’s friendship. Chairperson of the National Union of English teachers of business and professional communication, academician of RAEN. Phone: 8-925-585-67-46; e-mail:

Светлана Николаевна Орлова, Russian university of people’s friendship, Moscow

candidate of philology, professor assistant. Foreign languages dpt., faculty of economics of Russian university of people’s friendship. Phone: 8-926-572-06-39; e-mail:


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How to Cite

Малюга, Е. Н., & Орлова, С. Н. (2015). Linguapragmatic analysis of question-answer communicative block in business interview. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 44–50. Retrieved from




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