Grammatical norm problem in diachronies (on the material of the manuscript of the XVII century “Jesus Christ passions”)


  • Элина Валерьевна Серебрякова Mordovia state university of N.P. Ogarev, Saransk


Serebryakova Elina Valerievna

The article describes the results of the study in terms of the implementation of the grammatical rules of the text of the apocryphal writings of «Jesus Christ Passion», forming the bulk of convolutes of the XVII century, which is stored in the Mordovian regional museum and has not been introduced in the scientific sphere. It is given the definition of the grammatical norm, summarized the point of view of well-known scientists who study the evolution of the norms of book-Slavic language at different stages of its development and in the establishment and description of the main characteristics of the «strict» and reduced norm of the Church Slavonic language. It is use/disuse of a complicated system of past tenses of verbs, the dual number, principles in the use of participle forms, formation of imperative, causal, conditional and temporary relations and other features. An analysis of the graphic-orthographic and grammatical features of the manuscript concluded that the language of the monument is in the center of the Church Slavonic language of the reduced standard of the XVII century with the appearance of dialectal features inherent to the southern Russian dialects.

Key words: apocryphal manuscript, macrotext, linguistic norm, past forms, dual number, construction dative independent.

Author Biography

Элина Валерьевна Серебрякова, Mordovia state university of N.P. Ogarev, Saransk

post-graduate student of the Russian language dpt. Mordovia state university of N.P. Ogarev. Phone: 8 (8342) 22-42-63; +79179945110; e-mail:


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How to Cite

Серебрякова, Э. В. (2015). Grammatical norm problem in diachronies (on the material of the manuscript of the XVII century “Jesus Christ passions”). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 72–77. Retrieved from

