Functional features of travel magazines: retrospective view


  • Людмила Петровна Громова St. Petersburg state university
  • Юлия Юрьевна Шуляк St. Petersburg state university


Gromova Lyudmila PetrovnaShoulyak Yulia Yurievna

The article considers the features of the functional purpose of travel magazines (travelogue), their genesis, evolution, traits, depending on the socio-political context and, accordingly, requests from the readership. The progenitor of the travel magazines in Russia was journey literature that took root in the genre of travel notes. The forerunner of today’s travelogues can be considered «Nikita Akinfievich Demidov’s travel magazine» (1786), presenting daily travel notes, mostly laconic, sometimes deployed to fascinating travel notes

Magazines at different times performed cultural and educational, didactic, aesthetic and ideological functions, immersing the reader in the living conditions of the countries and continents, showing the diversity of the world. Today, traveling is seen as a multifaceted activity that is due to the result of freedom of movement, numerous hiking trails, access to information in the network space takes new character. Accordingly, the media market is a process of qualitative and quantitative changes. There is a growing number of distribution channels, many of which are convergent evolution. The transformation of the old forms is determined by market demand. These processes are inevitably reflected in the dominance of certain functions of the travelogue. However, their essential purpose remains the same: to inform, educate and entertain.

Key words: travel magazine, features, history, socio-political context, globalization.

Author Biographies

Людмила Петровна Громова, St. Petersburg state university

St. Petersburg state university, journalism faculty, journalism history dpt., Ph.D. of linguistics, professor, head of the dpt., dean. Phone: 8 (921) 908 10 98, e-mail: gromova_spb@

Юлия Юрьевна Шуляк, St. Petersburg state university

St. Petersburg state university, journalism faculty, journalism history dpt., Master degree student. Phone: 8 (931) 543 14 63, e-mail:


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How to Cite

Громова, Л. П., & Шуляк, Ю. Ю. (2015). Functional features of travel magazines: retrospective view. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 142–148. Retrieved from

