Language Expression Means of the Conceptual Category "Relation" with Derivative Prepositions in Modern English


  • Елена Александровна Каменева Донской государственный технический университет


Elena A. Kameneva (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

This article is devoted to the revealing of the essence of language and cognitive processes behind the secondary nomination of expression of the conceptual category of «attitude» by derivative prepositions in modern English. The study addresses the issue of formation of prepositions in the diachronic aspect, as well as their status in the general classification of parts of speech in modern linguistics, deals with the phenomenon of secondary nomination, described by semantic features data implying the method of cognitive modeling, namely propositional modeling method.

Key words: derivatives, prepositions, invariable parts of speech, secondary nomination, category, categorization, concept, conceptual framework, onomasiological sign.

Author Biography

Елена Александровна Каменева, Донской государственный технический университет

Elena A. Kameneva – post-graduate student of Global languages and cultures dpt. Faculty of social and humanity studies. Don State Technical University.


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How to Cite

Каменева, Е. А. (2017). Language Expression Means of the Conceptual Category "Relation" with Derivative Prepositions in Modern English. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 85–97. Retrieved from

