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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This article has not been previously published and submitted for review and publication to another journal (or an explanation for this is provided in the Comments to the editor).
  • The file of an article is presented as a document in one of the formats compliant with one of the following software products: OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect.
  • Full Internet links (URL) are provided for references where it is possible.
  • All technical installations are maintained:


    • editor MS WORD 6/ 0 or higher,

    • Paper Size - A4 , font TimesNewRoman, style Normal, size - 14,

    • line spacing - 1.5,

    • margins - 2.5 cm,

    • examples in the text are in italics,

    • • references are given in square brackets indicating the author(s) or (if it is a collective work) the title of the work and pages separated by commas: [Ivanov, p. 4]; [Philosophy of Culture ..., p.176]. If necessary, after the names, the year is stated (when quoting several works by one author),

    • quotes are carefully verified and certified with a signature of the author (s) on the last page of the article as follows: "The quotes listed in the text of the article are correct",
    • illustrations shall include explanations of all the components, sequence number, caption signature. Tables shall be numbered with a title above it. The initial letter in the head of the table should be capitalized, word contractions are not allowed. Illustrations and tables shall be cited in the text. Figures and tables shall not be duplicated in the text,
    • article shall be signed by the author(s) on the last page.
  • The text corresponds to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Guidelines for Authors, located at the page "About the Journal".

Author Guidelines

Publication rules for authors

The articles for publication shall include the relevance of the problem, the objective of the research, scientific argumentation, summarizing, and conclusions that are of interest due to their novelty, theoretical and practical importance.

The article shall be carefully proofread. The editorial board has the right to reduce the article, correct it and send it back for modification.

To publish the article, you need to e-mail the article in Russian or English to (Head of Editorial).

Articles with no more than three authors are accepted; authors and co-authors may be lecturers of educational institutions, researchers, post-graduate students. Undergraduate and graduate students cannot be authors and co-authors.

All articles are checked for plagiarism in the ‘Antiplagiat’ system. An article should come out with an originality rate of no lower than 70%.

All articles are published in the journal for free. The journal does not charge authors for any services.

The materials for publication shall be formatted in accordance with the requirements below.

Materials sent to the editorial are not returned. 

Articles that do not meet the requirements of the journal as well as articles including violations of the norms of the Russian language are not accepted for consideration.


Requirements for article formatting 

The content of the article shall consist of 0.4 - 0.7 printer’s sheets (16000-28000 printed. char.). If this volume is exceeded, the conditions of publication of the article are discussed individually. The volume of reports, reviews, chronicles of scientific life, etc. are determined on an individual basis. 

Publication structure 

  • initials and surname of the author(s) in the upper right corner with the lowercase letters,
  • title (in the middle, in capital letters),
  • article abstract in Russian (no more than 500 characters),
  • keywords (max 10),
  • article structure: 1. Introduction (relevance, objectives, literature review on the topic, materials and methods). 2. Research and its results. 3. Conclusion,

  • references and sources in alphabetical order. At the end of the article, a list of references is given containing at least 12 research sources (scientific articles, monographs), including at least 30% of the sources indexed in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. Bibliographic data of sources should include DOI (if available).
  • abstract in Russian to be translated by the editorial staff in English: Name of author(s), place of work, city, country, title and abstract (20-25 lines),
  • Information about the author(s): name, surname, middle name; place of work (university, faculty, department, etc.); degree, academic rank, position; post address, phone number, e-mail.


Technical requirements 

  • editor MS WORD 6/0 or higher,
  • Paper Size - A4, font Times New Roman, style Normal, size of type – 14,
  • line spacing – 1.5,
  • margins - 2.5 cm,
  • examples in the text are in italics,
  • references are given in square brackets indicating the author(s) or (if it is a collective work) the title of the work and pages separated by commas: [Ivanov, p. 4]; [Philosophy of Culture ..., p.176]. If necessary, after the names, the year is stated (when quoting several works by one author),
  • quotes are carefully verified and certified with a signature of the author(s) on the last page of the article as follows: "The quotes listed in the text of the article are correct",
  • illustrations shall include explanations of all the components, sequence number, caption signature. Tables shall be numbered with a title above it. The initial letter in the head of the table should be capitalized, word contractions are not allowed. Illustrations and tables shall be cited in the text. Figures and tables shall not be duplicated in the text,
  • the article shall be signed by the author(s) on the last page.


References formatting 

List of references is made under the heading "References" or "References and sources". Notes are better made in the form of endnotes using conventional index numbering and placed before the list of references. For example: 

In the text:

"... There has not been the best book on Sakhalin until now"2. 

The notes:

2 See: Comments to "Sakhalin Island" by M.L. Semanova. P. 580.


Chernyshenko O.V., Ogryzko E.V., Nefyodov I.V. (2017). Russian as a Foreign Language. Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Development of Speech. Textbook. Moscow: Infra-M, 87 р. (In Russian).

Nefedov I.V., Popova K.A. (2016). M-learning as an Innovative Tool in the RFL-learning. Proceedings of SFU. Philology, no. 3, pp. 170-178 (In Russian).

Petersen C., Nassaji H. (2016). Project-based learning through the eyes of teachers and students in adult ESL classrooms. Canadian Modern Language Review. Vol. 72, Issue 1, pp. 13-19.

Polat E.S. (2000). The Method of Projects on the Lessons of Foreign Language. Foreign Languages at School. № 3, pp. 3-9. Available at: (accessed 17.10.2019). (In Russian).

Articles, formatted not in accordance with the above requirements, are not considered by the editorial.

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Names and e-mails on this website will be used for purposes defined by the journal only and will not be used for any other purposes and given to other parties.