"Winter of our anxiety" by J. Steinbeck in USSR


  • Лия Искандеровна Жданова Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov


Zhdanova Liya Iskanderovna 

The article discusses the features of the Soviet reception of the novel by John Steinbeck. «The winter of our anxiety» published in the USSR within the sunset of «thaw» in 1962. Despite the restrained assessment of the novel at its homeland and the general low opinion about the post-war work of Steinbeck, in the USSR «Winter of our anxiety» was accepted very warmly, after the Nobel committee of Soviet critics began to talk about the return of «old times of Steinbeck>s «Grapes of wrath». However, no doubt that the reason for the success of this book in the USSR was not much Steinbeck>s «critics of bourgeois reality», the «American Dream», which commonly was written by the domestic press as guessable Soviet readers parallels between the way the main character of the novel Ethan Allen Hawley, committed them to choose between good and evil, «money and humanity» - and his own life, ambiguous and unstable situation of the creative intelligentsia in the Soviet Union at the beginning of 1960. However, the inability to say publicly about his own doubts and problems that inevitably led to a repetition of the rhetoric of the 1930s reduced the value of the novel «Winter of our anxiety» in denouncing the American way of life. Documentary base article made reviews of the novel members of the editorial board of the magazine «Foreign Literature «, research works by R.D. Orlova «Money against humanity» («Foreign Literature», 1962, № 3) and I.M. Levidova «Postwar books of John Steinbeck» («Questions of Literature», 1962, № 8).

Key words: John Steinbeck, USSR, «Winter of our anxiety», American literature, Soviet-American literary connections.

Author Biography

Лия Искандеровна Жданова, Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov

Zhdanova L.I. (Moscow, Russian Federation) - post-graduate student of philology faculty of Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov. Phone: +7(926)913- 15-17; е-mail: cammomilla@mail.ru, liya.zhdanova@gmail.com


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How to Cite

Жданова, Л. И. (2016). "Winter of our anxiety" by J. Steinbeck in USSR. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 20–27. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2016-1-20-27

