Communicative interaction in modern Internet-space (on the example of German political internet-discourse)


  • Наталья Алексеевна Синеокая Rostov State University of Civil Engineering
  • Анна Викторовна Ленец Southern Federal University


Lenets Anna Viktorovna – Ph.D. of philology, associate professor. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication Southern Federal University.

Sineokaya Natalya Alekseevna – lecturer.  Rostov State University of Civil Engineering.

Abstract. This article is devoted to the communicative interaction in today’s Internet space. The article identifies the key constitutive features of modern political Internet discourse, describes the forms and registers interaction. In a study of communicative interaction between the German political elite and voters in the Internet space focuses on the communication of contemporary political figures of modern Germany and presented the results of the analysis of the political Internet discourse. One of the rapidly developing forms of communicative interaction at the present stage is the Internet. The possibilities offered by the Internet, are unique for all kinds of verbal communication. The material of linguistic research are increasingly becoming a different kind of Internet discourse

In this article, we define the basic constitutive features of modern political Internet discourse: 1) virtuality; 2) an electronic signal as a channel of communication; 3) Remote; 4) the presence of hypertext; 5) the information content; 6) argumentative; 7) manipulativeness; 8) interactivity. Interactivity is the degree of involvement or communicants in Internet communication determines its shape. In accordance with this statement we distinguish passive and active forms of cooperation in the political discourse of the Internet.

Key words: interaction, Internet space, Internet discourse, discourse of the virtual, Internet communication, forms of interaction, interaction registers. 

Author Biography

Наталья Алексеевна Синеокая, Rostov State University of Civil Engineering


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How to Cite

Синеокая, Н. А., & Ленец, А. В. (2016). Communicative interaction in modern Internet-space (on the example of German political internet-discourse). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 214–224. Retrieved from




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