Symbiotic Relations of Verbal and Non-Verbal Components of Creolized Text on the Example of Stephen King’s Books Covers Analysis


  • Анна Сергеевна Кобышева
  • Виктория Александровна Накаева


Anna S. Kobysheva, Viktoria A. Nakaeva (Stavropol, Russian Federation)

The article examines the symbiotic relationships between non-verbal and verbal components of the creolized text. The research focuses on the analysis of the correlation between verbal and visual elements of horror book covers based on three types of correlations between verbal and non-verbal text constituents, i.e. recurrent, additive and emphatic.

Key words: creolized text, symsymbiotic relationships, non-verbal component, verbal component, recurrent correlation, additive correlation, emphatic correlation. 

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-138-143



Kobysheva, A. S. & Nakaeva, V.A. (2017). Symbiotic Relations of Verbal and Non-Verbal Components of Creolized Text on the Example of Stephen King’s Books Covers Analysis. Proceedings of Southern federal university. Philology. 4, 138‒144.

Author Biographies

Анна Сергеевна Кобышева

Anna S. Kobysheva – candidate of pedagogy, associate professor of linguistics and linguadidactics dpt. North-Caucasus Federal University. Stavropol.

Виктория Александровна Накаева

Viktoria A. Nakaeva – post-graduate student for Master degree of linguistics and linguadidactics dpt. North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol. 


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How to Cite

Кобышева, А. С., & Накаева, В. А. (2017). Symbiotic Relations of Verbal and Non-Verbal Components of Creolized Text on the Example of Stephen King’s Books Covers Analysis. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 138–144. Retrieved from




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