Classification of Borrowings by Origin in Modern French
Ekaterina A. Nazarova (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)
The article studies groups of lexical borrowings by the origin of modern French. The task of the authors is to assess the extent of the influence exerted by other national languages on the lexical structure of modern French, including English, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, etc. The author focuses on the period of the formation of the French language as a national language after the signing in 1539 of Ordonance Viller-Cotre by Francis I (1494 – 1547). Important results of the development of the lexicon of the French language in the period under review include: the growth of the number of Anglicisms and the transition of the Italian language to the second place in terms of the number of borrowings. To a lesser extent, words are borrowed from other Germanic, Romance and Slavic languages. Most often, through English and Portuguese, French learns exotic vocabulary. Today, borrowings from the Japanese language refer to new and newest borrowings.
Key words: lexical composition, borrowing by origin, French, Anglicisms, Italisms, Spanishisms, Arabisms, Slavicisms, Asiatics.
DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-160-165
Nazarova, E. A. (2017). Classification of Borrowings by Origin in Modern French. Proceedings of Southern federal university. Philology. 4, 160‒165.
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