Proper Names as the Category of Non-Equivalent Lexis and the Peculiarities of their Translation into Russian (on the material of Chinese Folk and Author Tales)


  • Ольга Николаевна Болдырева Калмыцкий государственный университет им. Б.Б. Городовикова
  • Елена Павловна Худогулова Калмыцкий государственный университет им. Б.Б. Городовикова
  • Мэнчжу У университет Внутренней Монголии


Olga N. Boldyreva, Elena P. Khudogulova, Wu Mengzhu (Elista, Russian Federation)

The article is devoted to the study of Chinese fairy-tales “Why the salt water in the sea”, “The Liu brothers”, “The Yellow Stork”, “Why dogs do not like cats”, “Golden Fish”, where proper names are distinguished and their features are analyzed as categories of equivalent vocabulary. The purpose of the article is to show that translations of Chinese proper names cannot be carried out in accordance with the principle of maximum ratio of lexical units and parallelism of syntactic constructions, which is explained by typological differences between languages, expressed both in the specifics of the vocabulary and in the singularity of the syntax. Though having a certain translation experience and a good knowledge of the original language, it is possible to solve the tasks that face the interpreter successfully.

Key words: Chinese language, translation, Russian language, Chinese tales, words of equivalent vocabulary, realities, transcription.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-1-178-183

Author Biographies

Ольга Николаевна Болдырева, Калмыцкий государственный университет им. Б.Б. Городовикова

Olga N. Boldyreva – assistant of the Department of the Russian Language as a Foreign and Humanitarian Disciplines. Kalmyk State University of B.B. Gorodovikov.

Елена Павловна Худогулова, Калмыцкий государственный университет им. Б.Б. Городовикова

Elena P. Khudogulova – Assistant of the Chair of the Russian Language as a Foreign and Humanitarian Disciplines. Kalmyk State University of B.B. Gorodovikov. 

Мэнчжу У, университет Внутренней Монголии

Wu Mengzhu– student of the University of Inner Mongolia (PRC)


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How to Cite

Болдырева, О. Н., Худогулова, Е. П., & У, М. (2018). Proper Names as the Category of Non-Equivalent Lexis and the Peculiarities of their Translation into Russian (on the material of Chinese Folk and Author Tales). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 178–183. Retrieved from




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