Ways to Enrich the Vocabulary of Military Students at Higher Education Institutions Emercom of Russia with Special Words


  • Елена Владимировна Лопанова кафедра педагогики и психологии гуманитарного факультета Академии гражданской защиты МЧС России


Elena V. Lopanova (Khimki, Russian Federation)

The article deals with the ways of generalizations and improvement military students’ vocabulary. The most effective methods and techniques for enriching the vocabulary with special words in the process of teaching the Russian language and the culture of business communication are described. The necessity for military students to observe the lexical norm is underlined. It is concluded that the enrichment of the vocabulary of military students should be of a systematic nature and should be based on a communicative approach.

Key words: military students, EMERCOM of Russia, vocabulary, special words, terms, communicative approach.

Author Biography

Елена Владимировна Лопанова, кафедра педагогики и психологии гуманитарного факультета Академии гражданской защиты МЧС России

Elena V. Lopanova – lecturer of department of pedagogics and psychology (humanities faculty). Civil Defence Academy EMERCOM of Russia. Khimki, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Лопанова, Е. В. (2018). Ways to Enrich the Vocabulary of Military Students at Higher Education Institutions Emercom of Russia with Special Words. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 206–211. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/1166

