System Genre and Stylistic Relations in the Text of the Academic Article in English


  • Марина Анатольевна Сухомлинова Southern Federal University


Marina A. Sukhomlinova (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article analyses the structure and content characteristics of the two types of an academic article (research and methodological articles) in modern English-speaking academic discourse. They show certain differences in the contents and manner of presenting information. The research proves that the algorithm of critical thinking development is implied while writing and unpacking the academic article. To activate this kind of thinking in readers is one of the most significant functions of the academic article. Unpacking of the text of the academic article is seen as a complicated dynamics of mental actions by the author.

Among the systemic language relations we can distinguish between paradigmatic, syntagmatic and epidigmatic ones. They are interrelated and they realize the communicative purposes of the author. Paradigmatic relations are expressed in the presence of specialized terms, general scientific vocabulary, abbreviations, numerals, synonyms and antonyms, comparisons, introductory words and so on. Syntagmatic relations can be manifested in lexical compatibility, in parallel and chain relations of sentences, in the alternation of simple and complex sentences, in lexical and lexical-syntactic repetitions, the presence of an antithesis, etc. The epidemiological relationship is primarily expressed in the presence of derivatives and reflects the thematic closeness of vocabulary within the academic article. Style and stylistic effect of the genre is largely determined by the nature of the correlation of linguistic units in the text.

Key words: academic article, methodical article, academic discourse, paradigmatic relations, syntagmatic relations, epidigmatic relations, critical thinking.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-3-86-94

Author Biography

Марина Анатольевна Сухомлинова, Southern Federal University

Marina A. Sukhomlinova – candidate of philology, associate professor. Institute of Philology, Journalism and Cross-Cultural Communication. Southern Federal University.


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How to Cite

Сухомлинова, М. А. (2018). System Genre and Stylistic Relations in the Text of the Academic Article in English. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 86–94. Retrieved from

