Speech Behavior as Characters’ World Image in A.P. Chekhov’s Story “Grasshoper”


  • Наталья Валерьяновна Изотова Южный федеральный университет


Natalya V. Izotova (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The speech of the characters in the story is organized in the text space by different structures that form an idea of the world outlook of the characters. Communication of the main character with the circle of her acquaintances is framed in the author’s speech in the form of multiple dialogues on the same topic with non-personified characters in the circle of celebrities. Communication of the  main  character  with  Dymov  and  Ryabovsky  is arranged in the form of dialogues of canonical structure, in which real or possible cues of characters are represented, which is typical of graphic text. Communication reflects the dynamics of the relations of Olga Ivanovna with her husband and an artist. The world of characters is presented also by single, potential, monologue cues.

Key words: communication, personalized dialogue, multiple dialogue, single cues, monologue cues, potential cues.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2019-1-12-18

Author Biography

Наталья Валерьяновна Изотова, Южный федеральный университет

Natalya V. Izotova – Ph.D. of philology, professor of the Russian language dpt. Institute of Philology, Journalism and Cross-Cultural Communication. Southern Federal University


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How to Cite

Изотова, Н. В. (2019). Speech Behavior as Characters’ World Image in A.P. Chekhov’s Story “Grasshoper”. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 12–18. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/1238




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