
  • Natalya B. Boeva-Omelechko Southern Federal University


DOI 10.18522/1995-0640-2022-2-23-33

The relevance of this work is due to the significance of E. Poe’s works for world literature and the constant interest of scientists in the peculiarities of his work, as well as the need to study the idiostyle features of the implementation of  contrast  in E. Poe’s poetry. The purpose of the work is to describe the types of contrast present in E. Poe’s poetry and the linguistic means of their implementation. The author suggests that contrast is one of the idiostyle dominates of E. Poe’s  works of fiction. The assumption about the significance of contrast for the poetry of E. Poe is based on works in the field of literary criticism, which analyze his works and note that the general principle of Poe’s poetics is emotional and psychological influence on readers.  An important role in the implementation of such influence belongs to contrast. According to the results of the analysis of empirical material, these types include microcontrast  implemented in a separate fragment of the text, and macrocontrast, significant for the compositional and semantic structure of the entire work (the juxtaposition of the text and the title, the beginning and end, the beginning and the main part of the text, etc.). Microcontrast in Poe’s works is embodied by using  system antonyms.  The poet can use two antonymic oppositions in contact, which enhances the expressiveness of contrast. E. Poe also uses individual author’s antonyms,  verbalizing in an unusual form conjugated concepts opposed to each other and correlating with the systemic antonymic opposition as well as  antonyms belonging to different parts of speech. Macrocontrast is created either with words that are not system antonyms, but belong to contrasting semantic fields or with means of negation.  Rather often the contrast is exclusively semantic without the participation of contrasting language means. The article describes different types of micricontrast typical of Poe’s works.

Keywords:  contrast,  antonym, negation,   composition,   idiostyle, speech influence, E. Poe

Author Biography

Natalya B. Boeva-Omelechko, Southern Federal University

Ph.D. of philology, professor. Institute of Philology, Journalism and Cross-cultural communication



How to Cite

Boeva-Omelechko Н. Б. . (2022). CONTRAST IN E. POE’S POETRY. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, 26(2), 23–33. Retrieved from

