Maslova A. Y. INTRODUCTION TO PRAGMALINGUISTICS; manual 3rd edition, Flinta; Science, 2010. 152p.


  • Эльвира Николаевна Акимова Мордовский государственный университет им. Н.П. Огарева


Akimova E.N. 

The article is devoted to the work of Maslova A.Y. "Introduction to pragmalinguistics" in which it can be learnt about new methodological approaches and integrated tendencies in modern linguistics. The development of anthropocentric scientific paradigm caused appearance of the pragmalinguistics, as well as the emergence of sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, cognitive linguistics, ethnolinguistics, cultural linguistics and other multidisciplinary sciences. There is a number of advantages of the author’s manual. 

Keywords: pragmalinguistics, methodological approach, manual.


How to Cite

Акимова, Э. Н. (2013). Maslova A. Y. INTRODUCTION TO PRAGMALINGUISTICS; manual 3rd edition, Flinta; Science, 2010. 152p. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 202–204. Retrieved from

