RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HARD-TO-FIND PAST. Georgopoulou E. Abwesende Anwesenheit. Erinnerung und Medialitat in Marcel Beyers Romantrilogie Flughunde, Spione und Kaltenburg. Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann, 2012. 184 P.


  • Вера Владимировна Котелевская Южный федеральный университет


Kotelevskaya V.V.

Keywords: monograph, mediality, conception, reminiscence 

In the reviewed monograph principles of narrative poetics and theory of mediality are described. The author underlines that true understanding comes to the characters of M. Bayer on the other side of the "mediality" - as invisible and secret, connecting people of different generations separated by space and time. During the analysis there revealed several conceptions with the help of which the author proves his understanding of medialized reminiscence. 

How to Cite

Котелевская, В. В. (2013). RECONSTRUCTION OF THE HARD-TO-FIND PAST. Georgopoulou E. Abwesende Anwesenheit. Erinnerung und Medialitat in Marcel Beyers Romantrilogie Flughunde, Spione und Kaltenburg. Wurzburg: Konigshausen & Neumann, 2012. 184 P. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 184–186. Retrieved from




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