NON-LITERARY "OTHER" FOR LITERARY GENRES (Tjupa V.I. Discourse / Genre. Moscow: Intrada, 2013. 211 p.)


  • Оксана Сергеевна Мирошниченко Южный федеральный университет
  • Владимир Иванович Козлов Южный федеральный университет


Miroshnichenko O.S. 

Kozlov V. I. 

Keywords: discourse, communicative event, literature, literary field, genre.

The article represents a detailed analysis of the book "Discourse" by Tupa V.I. The discourse, taken as a communicative event, allows us to find a foothold outside of literature – in order to see in a new light the whole genre map of the literary field. The author appreciates the book and believes that it is relevant and meaningful for the present time.

How to Cite

Мирошниченко, О. С., & Козлов, В. И. (2014). NON-LITERARY "OTHER" FOR LITERARY GENRES (Tjupa V.I. Discourse / Genre. Moscow: Intrada, 2013. 211 p.). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 154–158. Retrieved from




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