
  • Екатерина Степановна Харджиева Don College culinary arts and business


Key words: detective stories, detective discourse, detective investigating subdiscourse, investigator.

The author compares the terms “detective genre” and “detective discourse” and defines the latter as the creation and development of the detective genre. The article describes the main stages of this process. Particular attention is paid to detective investigating subdiscourse of the detective discourse.

This article examines the main stages of the comparison of the terms “the detective genre” and “detective discourse.” The latter is defined as the process of creation and development of the detective genre. The terms “discourse” and “genre” act with respect to consideration of the term-hyponyms. Oppositions important in determining the language of discourse are the opposition - and the process of speech - the result. Created in discourse the texts refer to a genre, which is divided into types, in particular, on the basis of a common theme, as in the case in the detective genre.

As a result of a research the detective discourse is defined as the process of creation and development of the detective genre, which brings together texts about uncovering the mystery usually associated with crime.

The article highlighted the investigating detective subdiscourse as just- short-sighted detective discourse. Detective and investigative discourse are understood as the process of creating images with inherent investigative methods of crime detection and personality traits, in particular, features of communicative behavior within the detective.

Author Biography

Екатерина Степановна Харджиева, Don College culinary arts and business

Khardzhieva Ekaterina Stepanovna - lecturer of German, Russian and Literature. Don College culinary arts and business. Tel.: 8-952-606-43-63. E-mail:


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How to Cite

Харджиева, Е. С. (2014). DETECTIVE DISCOURSE AS A PROCESS OF FORMATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE DETECTIVE GENRE. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 131–138. Retrieved from

