International science conference “Translation as a means of cultures interaction” (October, 17-22, 2014. Krakow)


  • Светлана Владимировна Коростова Южный федеральный университет


Korostova S.V.

Keywords: conference, interaction of cultures, Lermontov M. Y., intercultural communication, translation.

This article is devoted to the international scientific conference "Translation as a method of interaction between cultures", held in October 2014 in Krakow. The scientific conference was dedicated to the 200-th birthday anniversary of the great Russian poet Lermontov M. Y., whose works are known and loved not only in Russia. The largest number of speakers were gathered in the section "The Russian language in the system of preparation of intercultural communication experts". The conference ended with a solemn meeting and summarizing.


How to Cite

Коростова, С. В. (2015). International science conference “Translation as a means of cultures interaction” (October, 17-22, 2014. Krakow). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 190–192. Retrieved from




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