Ideas of liberal press of constitutional and democratic party of 1905 - 1907s


  • Евгений Валерьевич Ахмадулин Southern federal university, Rostov-on-Don


Constitutional Democratic Party (Cadets) was organizationally formed at the founding congress in Moscow on 12 - 18 October 1905 becoming de facto the leftmost among legal parties in Russia, Constitutional Democratic Party remained de jure officially not recognized, but not prohibited. The lack of legal status affected the typology of Cadet publications that for these reasons they could not call themselves the authorities of the party. Cadets considered their party «non-class», which protects the interests of all the people. The party included the outmost representatives of the Russian intelligentsia, liberal landlords, middle urban bourgeoisie, as well as officials, teachers, doctors, clerks. The party had in its rank about 50 - 60 thousand people. Among the cadet leaders and rank and file members of the party were well-trained and experienced writers. Therefore, the party had the beginning of its activities thorough newspaper and magazine base and was organizationally, politically, economically and professionally the most prepared for the development of its printing systems. The article is devoted to the liberal conception of the role of the periodical press in the party and advocacy that are relevant in our time.

Keywords: the Cadets, party, press, newspaper, freedom of the press, propaganda, agitation, functions, public opinion.

Akhmadulin Evgeny Valerievich - Ph. D. of linguistics, professor. Head of journalism theory dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross- cultural communication of Southern federal university. Phone: 8-918-50400-24; e-mail:


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How to Cite

Ахмадулин, Е. В. (2015). Ideas of liberal press of constitutional and democratic party of 1905 - 1907s. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 138–142. Retrieved from




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