Cognitive and pragmatic potential of intensity category means through the process of metaphorization (on the material of intensifiers in Spanish and Russian)


  • Наталья Валерьевна Карповская Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don


Karpovskaya Natalya Valerievna

The article deals with the interaction of processes and intensification of metaphor. Intensifiers are understood as lexemes that not only indicate a feature, but also implicitly contain in its meaning this intensity that indicates the degree of manifestation of feature/quality.

They are widely used as components of phraseological units and comparative structure that contribute to the realization in the speech stylistic and assessment functions, as well as the embodiment of a pragmatic setting of the author. However, as the translation to the transformation of the subjective factor influences cultural features of national mentality, they often lead to changes in the degree of expressive feature, and hence a change in cognitive-pragmatic potential linguistic unit.

Within the category of intensity associations occupy a special place that are activated in metaphor and contribute not only to a more “tangible” comprehension of reality, but also further semantic development of language units and enhancing their cognitive and pragmatic potential, under which we mean the possibility of actualization in speech not only categorical values i nherent in the language units as elements of the language system and language picture of the world, but the implicatures that can occur in interaction with verbal language environment, thereby contributing to the formation of certain perception, understanding and knowledge of reality, as well as the achievement of certain pragmatic effect.

Key words: cognitive-pragmatic potential, metaphorization, intensifiers, linguapragmatic category, pragmatic effect.

Author Biography

Наталья Валерьевна Карповская, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don

candidate of philology, professor assistant. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication, Southern Federal University. Phone: 8 (863) 545-31-55; +7-928-214-84-57, E-mail:,


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How to Cite

Карповская, Н. В. (2015). Cognitive and pragmatic potential of intensity category means through the process of metaphorization (on the material of intensifiers in Spanish and Russian). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 107–117. Retrieved from

