Binary Opposition Sociolinguistic Picture of the World (on the Material of Modern English Language)


  • Наталья Борисовна Боева-Омелечко Natalia B. Boyeva-Omelechko – Ph.D. of philology, professor. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.
  • Наталья Андреевна Балашенко Natalia A. Balashenko – Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University, post-graduate student.


Natalia B. Boyeva-Omelechko, Natalia A. Balashenko (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article is topical due to the interest of scientists to the problems of interaction of society and language and the role of language in constructing and reconstructing political reality. The authors of the article introduce the notion of the sociolinguistic picture of the world. This picture reflects different aspects of the phenomenon «society» with the help of words which may be called «sociolinguisms». The words in question cover such spheres of society as economical, social, political and spiritual ones. The authors put forward the idea that binary oppositions are typical of the sociolinguistic picture of the world because social phenomena usually contain interdependent and at the same time mutually excluding each other sides which are revealed by the conscience and reflecteded in the language. Unfortunately only some of these oppositions are represented in the dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms. The authors stress that their range is much wider and can be described on the basis of different types of general and explanatory dictionaries with the help of linguistic methods of investigation. Special attention is paid to national peculiarities and axiological properties of antonyms-sociolinguisms.

Key words: sociolinguistics, social phenomenon, sociolinguistic picture of the world, antonyms-sociolinguisms, power lexicon, binary oppositions, seme, national pecularities, axiological properties. 


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How to Cite

Боева-Омелечко, Н. Б., & Балашенко, Н. А. (2017). Binary Opposition Sociolinguistic Picture of the World (on the Material of Modern English Language). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 52–60. Retrieved from




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