On Monstrosity of Metaphor in Cognitive Paradigm


  • Георгий Георгиевич Хазагеров Southern Federal University


Khazagerov Georgy Georgievich - Ph.D. of philology, professor. Russian language dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.

Abstract. In the article modern theory of «metaphor we live by» is challenged. Cognitive metaphor is considered rather as a tool than a social guide. It acts like topos. The experience of the rhetoric of totalitarianism shows how metaphor loses its power via loosing unconscious perception. The resistance of metaphor to critical analysis depends on metonymical component of metaphor. Metonymy itself is more dangerous means of propaganda than metaphor.

Key words: metaphor, metonymy, topos, rhetoric, totalitarian rhetoric


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How to Cite

Хазагеров, Г. Г. (2016). On Monstrosity of Metaphor in Cognitive Paradigm. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 91–101. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/10.18522%252F1995-0640-2016-2-91-101

