Verbal aspect category and some ways of distinguishing of aspect pairs of verbs


  • Елена Владимировна Шейко Sheyko E.V. (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)


Sheyko Elena Vladimirovna – candidate of philology, professor assistant. Southern Federal University, Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication, theory of language and Russian language dpt. 

The article discusses one of the most complex grammatical categories of the verb - category of the aspect, it is noted that there are still unsolved issues relating to the status of this category, its volume, ratio to the aspect pairs of verbs. One group of scientists after V.V. Vinogradov calls category of aspect as word-changing on the basis of the lexical identity of aspect pairs, another group, and in particular I.G. Miloslavsky, relates it to the formative, the third group, which representative is L.A. Mesenyashina, tryes to find a compromise, and those verbs, which syntactic-functional series are identical, calls paired, and those verbs in which there are significant differences in compatibility, calls different lexems. Thus it is accounted only the compatibility of verbs with the word forms, as well as many verbs can act as a reference in subordinate clauses, and in this case their compatibility in different lexical-semantic versions may vary. It is shown on the example of the verbs “чувствовать – почувствовать», which in the majority of lexicographical sources are named paired verbs, but their compatibility is not the same, and therefore, they can not be called as aspect pair. Therefore, in determining the pair/unpair verbs we should proceed from the same or not the same invariant meaning of verbs (in the terminology of A. Timberlake), take into account their multiple meanings and compatibility in different LSV and consider compatibility not only at the level of word forms, but also at the level of a complex sentence.

Key words: aspect pair of verb, aspect meaning, invariant meaning, lexico-semantic variant, ways of distinguishing of aspect pairs of verbs, complement clause.


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How to Cite

Шейко, Е. В. (2016). Verbal aspect category and some ways of distinguishing of aspect pairs of verbs. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 134–141. Retrieved from

