Study of the War Image Formation in the Creativity of V. Borhert and A. Rob-Griye during Lessons in World Literature at the University


  • Елена Любомировна Дашко Sevastopol State University


Elena L. Dashko (Sevastopol, Russian Federation)

The article represents methodological guidance concerning the study of experimental literary works of the second half of the XX century the plot of which is connected with reflecting the problem of the human under the circumstances of the war and post-war reality. The analysis of new approaches to psychologization of an individual in the novel by A.RobbeGriet “In the labyrinth” and a short story by W.Borhert “Stay, giraffe!” is given.

Key words: New Novel, theory of crude materialism, expressionism, metaphor, symbol, typological bonds.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-4-206-214

Author Biography

Елена Любомировна Дашко, Sevastopol State University

Elena L. Dashko – Ph. D in Philology, associate professor of the Russian language and Russian literature dpt. Sevastopol State University


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How to Cite

Дашко, Е. Л. (2018). Study of the War Image Formation in the Creativity of V. Borhert and A. Rob-Griye during Lessons in World Literature at the University. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 206–214. Retrieved from

