
  • Вера Владимировна Котелевская Южный федеральный университет


Kotelevskaya V.V.

Keywords: Bernhard Thomas, metatext, artist novel, education novel, exis­tential novel, self-narrator.

The paper argues a methodological ground for a number of Thomas Bernhard’s novels, which are unified by existential themes. «Die Ursache: Eine Andeutung», «Der Unterheher», «Holzfallen: Eine Erregung» are con­sidered as self-reflexive and artistic metafiction, which introduce specific strategies of “I” formation. Existentialist problematic and narrative style of Bernhard is compared with the works which are typologically close to his own (Dostoevsky, Becket, Bachmann, Jelinek, Jonke). A concluding state­ment highlights a particular existential metastructure in Bernhard’s work.


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How to Cite

Котелевская, В. В. (2013). ARTISTIC CONSTRUCTION OF “I” AND “OTHERS” IN THOMAS BERNHARD’S PROSE (“DIE URSACHE: EINE ANDEUTUNG”, “DER UNTERHEHER”, “HOLZFALLEN: EINE ERREGUNG”). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (3), 46–54. Retrieved from




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