VERB AS A SIGN OF POLYSITUATIONAL FRAGMENT OF WORLD (Lebedeva N.B. Polysituational analysis of verbal semantics: 2nd publication, corrected and amplified: Book House “Librokom”, 2010. 192p.)


  • Людмила Владимировна Табаченко Южный федеральный университет
  • Алексей Аркадьевич Боровиков Южный федеральный университет


Tabachenko L.V., Borovikov A.A.

Keywords: verb, polysituationality, prefix and verbal word formation, polyeventfulness

The referee report is devoted to the hypothesis put forward by Lebedeva N.B. about polisituationality and polieventfulness of denotative semantics of the verb associated with absence of limits and multilevelness of its situational and eventful space. The developed methodology of polieventful analysis enriches the theory of interpretation of lexical meaning. The article represents a study of the works about verbal semantics connected with the structure of denotative situations, as well as the deep mechanisms of prefix and verbal  word formation.

How to Cite

Табаченко, Л. В., & Боровиков, А. А. (2013). VERB AS A SIGN OF POLYSITUATIONAL FRAGMENT OF WORLD (Lebedeva N.B. Polysituational analysis of verbal semantics: 2nd publication, corrected and amplified: Book House “Librokom”, 2010. 192p.). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 160–162. Retrieved from




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