Self-Presentation Training in the Process of Speech Study Disciplines Teaching


  • Людмила Петровна Лунева Samara State University of Transport
  • Инга Игоревна Мишина Samara State University of Transport


Lyudmila P. Luneva, Inga I. Mishina (Samara, Russian Federation)

The article presents an analysis of the possibilities of including the educational disciplines of the philological cycle of educational material in the lecture and theoretical studies aimed at forming readiness for speech self-presentation as an important component of communicative competence; specific examples of tasks and exercises are given.

Key words: speech self-presentation, philological disciplines, higher school.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2019-1-219-225

Author Biographies

Людмила Петровна Лунева, Samara State University of Transport

Lyudmila P. Luneva – Ph.D. of Pedagogy, professor of linguistics dpt. Samara State University of Transport. Samara, Russian Federation.

Инга Игоревна Мишина, Samara State University of Transport

Inga I. Mishina – head of educational work dpt. Samara State University of Transport. Samara, Russian Federation.


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How to Cite

Лунева, Л. П., & Мишина, И. И. (2019). Self-Presentation Training in the Process of Speech Study Disciplines Teaching. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 219–225. Retrieved from

