
  • Ольга Анатольевна Джумайло Южный федеральный университет


Dzhumailo O.A.

Keywords: confessional novel of an artist, mise-en-abyme, John Fowles, Rembrandt, self-portrait, self-reflexive poetics, lack of closure.

This article proposes the importance of mise-en-abyme inclusion into the artistic whole of the self-reflexive confessional novel Daniel Martin (1977) by John Fowles. It is argued that Rembrandt’s late self-portrait provokes ideas for the novel reading and manifests itself as an emblem of artistic authenticity. Analytical reading of the psychological and existentialist scope of mise-en-abyme also focuses on playful use of self-reflexive means (metalepsis, short circuit, mirror leitmotif, fragmentality, stylization and other means). All these are aligned with the idea of confessional lack of closure.


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How to Cite

Джумайло, О. А. (2013). MISE-EN-ABYME: THE PORTRAIT OF REMBRANDT IN THE CONFESSIONAL NOVEL ‘DANIEL MARTIN’ BY JOHN FOWLES (1977). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 8–16. Retrieved from https://philol-journal.sfedu.ru/index.php/sfuphilol/article/view/567




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