Cognitive Principles in the Basis of Default Metonymy


  • Елена Степановна Милькевич Southern Federal University


Milkevich Elena Stepanovna – candidate of linguistics, associate professor. Southern Federal University.

Abstract. The article studies metonymy in English. Traditionally metonymy is understood as a stylistic device. This, however, does not explain the cases of everyday or ‘default’ metonymy, such as ‘to go to the blackboard’ (in the meaning of answering the home task), or ‘to sit behind the wheel’ (in the meaning of ‘driving). Cognitive view on metonymy speaks about metonymic relationships between concepts within idealized cognitive models. The choice of metonymic vehicle and desired target can be governed by cognitive principles based on human experience, selective perception and cultural awareness.

Key words: metonymy, stylistic device, cognitive linguistics, metonymic relationships, idealized cognitive models.


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How to Cite

Милькевич, Е. С. (2016). Cognitive Principles in the Basis of Default Metonymy. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (2), 124–131. Retrieved from




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