From Idea Readiness to Formation of Language and Speech Action (on the Cognitive Constituent of the Action)


  • Алевтина Дмитриевна Дейкина
  • Ольга Алексеевна Скрябина


Alevtina D. Deikina, Olga A. Skryabina (Moscow, Russian Federation; Ryazan, Russian Federation)

The problem of optimization of the process and results of language teaching, and speech is among the topical problems in modern methods of teaching Russian (native) language. Scientific research is addressed to the theoretical understanding of the developing potential of the cognitive component (based on the data of modern psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics) language and speech actions, speech writing, and practical techniques, which help in the organization of activities implemented by a reliance on cognitive mechanisms of students. This article underlines the importance of cognitive mechanisms; cognitive components of language and speech skills are analyzed. The key idea is to proof the feasibility and effectiveness of cognitive-communicative approach in teaching Russian language in school for the successful formation of language and speech actions, which are based on conscious thought, the meaning of activities.

Key words: language awareness, learning to think, the logic of educationalscientific constructs, cognitive level, mental action, psychological mechanisms of speech, language action, speech act, text.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2017-4-206-212



Deikina, A. D. & Skryabina, O. A. (2017). From Idea Readiness to Formation of Language and Speech Action (on the Cognitive Constituent of the Action). Proceedings of Southern federal university. Philology. 4, 206‒212.

Author Biographies

Алевтина Дмитриевна Дейкина

Alevtina D. Deikina – Ph. D. of pedagogy, professor of theory and practice of the Russian language teaching and Russian as foreign language dpt. Institute of philology and foreign languages. Moscow pedagogic City University.

Ольга Алексеевна Скрябина

Olga A. Skryabina – Ph. D of pedagogy, professor of the Russian language and methodics of its teaching dpt. Philology and national culture faculty. Ryazan State University of S.A. Esenin.


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How to Cite

Дейкина, А. Д., & Скрябина, О. А. (2017). From Idea Readiness to Formation of Language and Speech Action (on the Cognitive Constituent of the Action). Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (4), 206–212. Retrieved from

