Commentary as a Special Type of Sport Discourse: Linguastylistic and Interpretation Aspects


  • Марина Васильевна Ласкова Southern Federal University
  • Елена Алексеевна Фетисенко Southern Federal University


Marina V. Laskova, Elena A. Fetisenko (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of football talk verification in the context of linguistic analysis. Commentary as a special type of speech activity allows to specify unique characteristics of a linguistic persona considered by us as a connecting link wile interpreting game with a target audience and current events. The difference of stylistic markers used in professional sphere permits not only to hold addressee’s attention, but also identify cross-cultural content of the broadcast.

Key words: football talk, sport discourse, cognitive metaphor, sport jargon.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-1-151-154

Author Biographies

Марина Васильевна Ласкова, Southern Federal University

Marina V. Laskova – Ph.D. of philology, professor of translation/interpretation and IT in linguistics dpt. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University. 

Елена Алексеевна Фетисенко, Southern Federal University

Elena A. Fetisenko – student. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University. 


Alabarces, Pablo and María Graciela Rodríguez. Football and fatherland: the crisis of national representation in Argentinean soccer. In: Gerry P.T. Finn and Richard Giulianosi (eds.), Football culture: Local contests and global visions, London: Frank Cass, 2000, pp. 118 – 133. file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Georgalou_RWP.pdf (дата обращения 30.09.2017). (дата обращения 27.09.2017). (дата обращения 27.09.2017).


Alabarces, Pablo and María Graciela Rodríguez (2000). Football and fatherland: the crisis of national representation in Argentinean soccer. In: Gerry P.T. Finn and Richard Giulianosi (eds.), Football culture: Local contests and global visions, London: Frank Cass, pp. 118-133.

file:///C:/Users/User/Desktop/Georgalou_RWP.pdf (accessed 30.09.2017) (accessed 27.09.2017). (accessed 27.09.2017).

How to Cite

Ласкова, М. В., & Фетисенко, Е. А. (2018). Commentary as a Special Type of Sport Discourse: Linguastylistic and Interpretation Aspects. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 151–154. Retrieved from

