Resource Portfolio as the Means of Developing Professional Scopes of the Intending Foreign Language Teachers


  • Марина Алексеевна Лубянова Южный федеральный университет


Marina A. Lubyanova (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

The perfection of the educational technologies, which facilitate the development of the professional scopes of the intending foreign language teacher, is tightly connected with the orientation to the practical professional activity, integral part of which is its methodological scopes.

The effectiveness of the formation of the methodological scopes within the framework of a pedagogical Institute of Higher Education requires the organization of the step by step process of the professional training, which includes: the accumulation of internal resources on the base of theoretical knowledge of contemporary procedures and technologies of instruction in foreign language and of practical skills to erect strategy and tactics of instruction in the support to the assigned algorithm; and also the development of the methodological autonomy? the skill to see new trends in the development of the procedure, to set goals without assistance and to find the ways of their reaching.

The methodological the basis of the formation of professional autonomy is teacher-training approach in the training process, which integrates teaching, study, analysis and reflection for the development of the systematic competence of the future teacher of foreign language.

Basing on teacher-training approach makes it possible to accomplish a step by step passage from obtaining of theoretical knowledge to their independent practical application under the conditions, maximally approximating real, to realize the goal of the formation of the individual model of professional personality.

The means of assessing the formation of methodological scopes and professional autonomy of intending specialists is, in our opinion, the resource portfolio. Since the creation of the portfolio accompanies all stages of the formation of the systematic scope, its content reflects the skill to professional planning of the training activity, using contemporary methods and technologies, the forms of the organization of speaking activity, studied in the theoretical course; and also demonstrates the level of the development of practical skills in the field of procedure, the professional autonomy of trainees expressed in the initiative, the criticality and the adequate self-appraisal, the feeling of personal responsibility for its training and professional activity.

Key words: methodological scopes, resource portfolio, methodological autonomy, internal resources, teacher-training approach, modular approach, planning, the system integrity.

DOI 10.23683/1995-0640-2018-1-214-222

Author Biography

Марина Алексеевна Лубянова, Южный федеральный университет

Marina A. Lubyanova – candidate of pedagogy, associate professor. Institute of philology, journalism and cross-cultural communication. Southern Federal University.


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How to Cite

Лубянова, М. А. (2018). Resource Portfolio as the Means of Developing Professional Scopes of the Intending Foreign Language Teachers. Proceedings of Southern Federal University. Philology, (1), 214–222. Retrieved from

